Health & Safety Policies

Cycling Southland is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all staff and environment for all its participants, and to providing the information, training and supervision needed to achieve this.

Cycling Southland will take responsibility for health and safety procedures, however, staff, riders, members and volunteers need to be aware of their responsibilities and comply with our organisations’ health and safety policy.

The purpose of the Cycling Southland Overall Health and Safety Policy is to:

  • Ensure Cycling Southland provides services in a manner consistent with the Health and Safety at Work Act (2016) and other required legislation.
  • Provide a framework for how Cycling Southland will provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace and protect against harm to staff health, safety and welfare.
  • Provide mechanisms for staff and participants to contribute to the health and safety of Cycling Southland and its activities.
  • Provide advice, information, education and training to staff in relation to work health and safety.
  • Raise awareness of the roles and responsibilities for staff within Cycling Southland.
  • Provide a framework for continuous improvement and progressively higher standards of work health and safety.

The Cycling Southland Overall Health & Safety policy can be found here.

Cycling Southland has health & safety policies covering a range of topics. They can be found below by clinking on the links.

Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy
First Aid Policy
Track Operations & Safety
Outdoor Coaching Policy
Risk Management Policy
Vehicle and Drivers Policy
Rider accident/incident report form

Venue - SIT Zero Fees Velodrome
Cycling Southland adheres to the ILT Stadium Southland polices that relate to the Velodrome and these polices can be found here






Constitution and Bylaws

You can find copies of the Cycling Southland Constitution and Bylaws by clinking on the links below:

Cycling Southland Constitution

Cycling Southland Bylaws
The Bylaws include the following Clauses and Schedules

    • Anti-Doping Policy,
    • Disciplinary Matters, penalties, appeals and process,
    • Code of Conduct and Integrity
    • Rider Agreement



Operational Policies and Procedures

Cycling Southland runs numerous events and activities throughout the year and requires various policies and procedures to manage and facilitate those.

Below are the current policies and procedures and they are continually reviewed.

Code of Conduct & Integrity (within Cycling Southland ByLaws)
Disciplinary Management Policy and Complaint Management Flowchart (within Cycling Southland ByLaws)
Anti-Doping Policy (within Cycling Southland ByLaws)
Junior Division Sub-Committee Travel Grant Policy
Media & Communications Policy
Motorcycle & Derny Policy
Baxter & Neilson Wheels Policy
Selection Procedure
Travel Policy
Proposed Travel Grant Policy
Cycling Southland Rider Agreement 
(within Cycling Southland ByLaws)

Cycling Southland has policies and procedures that are specific to the employees of the organisation..  They are continually reviewed with the employees, and cover the below topics.

Internet & Email Appropriate Use Policy
Social Media Policy
Bullying and Harassment Policy
Manual Handling Policy
Gradual Process Injury Prevention Policy
Accident Management Policy
Rehabilitation Policy
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Flexi-time Policy


Any of the above employee policies and procedures can be viewed by contacting the office.

Issues or Concerns?

Cycling Southland has volunteer coaches who are responsible for providing cycling training to riders of all ages and abilities. They give up their time to ensure the proud traditions of the organisation continue and riders have the opportunity to achieve their goals and potential.

At times, riders might have an issue with a coach or their decision. In all instances, a rider should discuss the matter in a polite and respectful way with their coach. Parents of junior riders are encouraged to get their children to discuss the matter directly with their coach.

If a rider is unhappy with the outcome of that discussion they are able to discuss the matter with the Cycling Southland Development and Events Co-ordinator.

If a resolution is not found through those steps, a more formal process can be followed - see the Making a Complaint information on this page.

At all times riders - and parents - are bound by the Code of Conduct & Integrity and must show the utmost respect to volunteer coaches. Any breach of that Code will deemed as serious misconduct.

Making a complaint

Cycling Southland has a robust Code of Conduct & Integrity that describes the type of behaviour and conduct that the organisation seeks to promote and encourage its members and supporters to adopt. This is schedule A of the Cycling Southland By-laws.

It governs the conduct of all persons formally associated with Cycling Southland including employees, club members including athletes, coaches, managers and support staff, anyone taking part in Cycling Southland events including riders, commissaires, officials and support personnel, volunteers and parents of junior club members.

The Code provides a benchmark and general standard for behaviour and is designed to complement, support and provide context for dealing with any matter of discipline, complaint, or misconduct as stated in teh Cycling Southyland By-laws under clause 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and Schedule C.

Cycling Southland wishes to operate in an environment where people show respect for others and their property. Respect is defined as consideration for another’s physical and emotional wellbeing and possessions, to ensure no damage or deprivation is caused to either.

Cycling Southland wishes to operate in an environment that is free from harassment. Harassment is defined as any action directed at an individual or group that creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment.

Cycling Southland wishes to operate in a non-discriminatory environment. That is defined as respecting the right, dignity and worth of every human being and treating everyone equally regardless of gender, ethnic origin or religion.

Persons to whom this Code applies acknowledge and agree to comply with Cycling Southland disciplinary procedures by way of their involvement in the organisation. If any disciplinary action is taken, persons directly affected shall be given the opportunity to participate in those proceedings and the right to appeal against any decision against them.

The Disciplinary Management Policy provides guidance on how best to formally manage disciplinary issues associated with people involved in Cycling Southland.

The Managing Complaints Flowchart details the process that a written complaint will be dealt with.

The Complainst and Concerns form can be found here.

Cycling Southland will facilitate an effective and appropriate process for the resolution of complaints and ensure complaints are managed and responded to in a fair, simple, timely and efficient manner.

The goal is to ensure all complaints are investigated so the rights, confidentiality and privacy of both the complainant and identified employee/volunteer/member/public are respected throughout the investigative process, and that the process facilitates the fair, simple and speedy resolution of complaints.

This policy will also ensure all Cycling Southland employees and Executive Committee members follow the correct procedure when receiving complaints and any deficiencies of process, policy or delivery of service can be identified and appropriate change implemented.

This policy is subject to any other specific policies adopted by Cycling Southland that contain procedures and sanctions, such as the Anti-Doping Policy.

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